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Care Home Fee Claims

​Many residents in a care home are paying for care when they should not be as this should be funded for them.


We can assist with a claim for repayment, this can be back dated and can be made even if the person in the care home is sadly now deceased.


We have flexible ways of managing the cost of the claim. We can act no win no fee by which we take a fixed sum from any repayment we secure for you so you do not pay us anything if we are not successful in getting a repayment for you or if you prefer we can act on the basis by which you agree to pay to us a pre-set fixed fee so in either case you therefore have certainty.

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Care Home Fees - What should you be paying?

The Care Home System is complex and making arrangements to fund the payment of the long term care in a residential or care home can be bewildering and confusing with various sources of funding available from the NHS and Local Authorities as well as entitlement to State benefits including Attendance Allowance and Pension Credits.


The choice of whether to go into a care home or to pay for care to be provided in your own home and the question of how that care is to be funded is one that can affect the whole family. It is therefore very important that everyone is aware of their legal rights and the funding options available to them.

Payment of Care Home Fees by the NHS

Many people who are resident in a Care Home are paying fees that should be met by the NHS.


Help is also available from the NHS for people who are being nursed at home.


If you have significant health care needs then you can apply for fully funded NHS Continuing Care and if you qualify, then your care fees will be paid in full without any means test, whatever your financial circumstances.


You can apply for a review of your care needs at any time if your health deteriorates after you go into a home and there is a right of appeal against any refusal by the NHS to provide fully-funded care.

You can ask for a refund of fees if your case has been overlooked or if you have been wrongly assessed.


This applies even where a resident has died and claims can be backdated for several years.

Average care home fees are in the region of £500- £700 per week so refunds can be substantial and our advice is that it is always worth checking whether or not you have a valid claim for NHS Continuing Healthcare.


We can do this for you and offer a variety of funding options by which we can help you or your family including no win no fee.

Local Authority Funding and the Family Home

If you are not eligible for fully funded NHS Continuing Care then your Local Authority will carry out a means test to see whether you need to contribute to the cost of your care.


You will have to pay for your care if you have Capital assets of more than £23,250.


This often poses a problem for people who own their own homes as the value of the property can be taken into account as a Capital asset. You may find you are told that you need to sell your home in order to pay for your fees.


It is important to understand however that the Local Authority cannot force you to sell your home and there may be other options open to you. In some cases, the value of the family home can be disregarded.


Again you should always take legal advice before taking steps to put a property on the market and again we are able to offer a variety of funding options to assist you and your family.

Who do we help with care home fee claims?

Our Comprehensive Care Home Service


At McKeag & Co we offer friendly and comprehensive advice concerning all aspects of care home funding and our specialist team will help you claim what you are entitled to and obtain any refund of care home fees that may be due to you.


We can take away the stress and worry of having to deal with numerous agencies and government departments and help you to obtain a funding package that meets your individual needs.

For further information on Nursing Care Home Fee Refunds visit our page.....

McKeag & Co have been established on Tyneside for over 100 years and during this time have been successful in obtaining millions of pounds compensation for people who have suffered abuse.


Call Us on (0191) 213 1010 to arrange an initial free consultation or alternatively contact us online.

No Win, No Fee

With no win no fee, there aren’t any upfront charges or hidden costs. If you do win your case, we will charge you a ‘success fee’ as a percentage of the compensation you receive, this will then be capped at a maximum of 25% – and in many cases this is significantly less than this so you will receive the majority yourself. This fee will be agreed between you and your solicitor before we take on your case.

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McKeag & Co Solicitors

Please note that on 4th July 2022, we acquired the practice of Brennans Solicitors LLP. SRA Number: 542642 and are the successor practice for that firm.

Please note that on 1st February 2019, we acquired the practice of Stephens McDonald & Robson. SRA Number: 629167 and are the successor practice for that firm.


McKeag & Co is a trading name of McKeag & Co Solicitors LLP, a Limited Liability Partnership registered in England and Wales (registered number OC398140).

Our registered office is at 1-3 Lansdowne Terrace, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 1HN.

VAT Registration No. 280 1684 06


We use the word Partner to describe a senior person within the LLP rather than an owner of the firm or a Solicitor. The designation of Partner should therefore be read in this way. A list of Members is available for inspection at our registered office.

We are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) as McKeag & Co number 636733.

The SRA Standards and Regulations set out the regulatory framework imposed on service providers such as ours.


Further information about the relevant Codes of Conduct are included on the SRA website

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*Roisin O'Donnell is the accredited

Lifetime Lawyer at McKeag & Co Solicitors

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